open source, sustainability, one community, sustainable sustainability

We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting For

June Jordan famously said, “We are the ones we have been waiting for.” We agree, and here are the three ways to help One Community demonstrate it with you:


One Community has a world changing vision, a world changing team, and the necessary investment of time, energy, and attention to detail to succeed. We need the help of people who would like to contribute financially to making One Community a reality.

Click here to be taken to our contribution page


Our team of visionaries and forward-thinkers continues to grow with amazing talent, experience, and passion for creating this vision from the ground up. We have room for a total of 40 people on this team and would love to talk to you if you are interested in moving onto the property on day one and helping to build One Community and accomplish our mission.

Click here to be taken to our Pioneer Invitation Form


One Community is committed to creating world change and partnering with other organizations and individuals who agree that now is the time to create something better. We are looking to partner with groups, owners of technology, and other forward thinking organizations moving in the same direction.

Click here to be taken to our Partnership Interest form